Pragmatic Software برنامه ها

Network Log 2.25.1
Pragmatic Software
Requires rooted devices. ATTENTION: Some versions ofAndroid,especially on Samsung stock ROMs, may have restrictiveSELinuxpolicies that may prevent this app from working. We areworkinghard to resolve or provide workarounds for this. In themeantime,if you find this app is not working due to permissiondenied errorswhen you in fact do have root, it is likely due to aprohibitiveSELinux policy being enforced. You can disable SELinuxenforcing byexecuting 'setenforce 0' in a root shell. Please do notleave a badrating/review due to the decision of some device ROMs toenforcerestrictive SELinux policies. As mentioned, we are workinghard toresolve/workaround these issues. Feel free to use thein-app'Report Bug/Feedback' option to provide useful information tohelpus out. Please do not use the reviews to request features orreportissues. If you have a request for Language Translations,featuresor want to report a bug, use the in-app Report Bug/Feedbackoptionor send e-mail to Wondering when and towhereyour Android apps are connecting across the Internet? Looknofurther! Network Log is for you! Network Logmonitorsiptables-logging to display a real-time list of which appsaremaking network connections, and provides statistics about thoseappconnections. ★ Real-time log display The log tab shows thenetworkpackets being transmitted and their details such as: *source anddestination addresses/ports * network protocol andinterface *bytes transmitted * timestamp ★ Real-time network usagestatisticsThe Apps tab lists installed applications along withnetwork usagestatistics such as: * total packets and bytes sent *active networkthroughput speed in Bps/Kbps/Mbps * timestamp of lastconnection *list of all the unique connections made by each app *sortable andfilterable packets/bytes counters ★ Real-timeconnectionnotifications The statusbar icon's up/down arrows willhighlightwhen upload/download traffic occurs, and the notificationdrop-downshade displays the connection throughput speed in Kbps.You canalso configure toast pop-up notifications on a per-app basisthatwill pop-up a temporary notification containing connectiondetailsno matter which app you are in. ★ Graphs Click an app ineither tabto see time-lines of its connections. Select the 'AppsTimeline'menu item to see an over-all time-line of all apps.Adjustableinterval from 1 ms to 48 hours for summing data: * to seeeachpacket, set to 1 ms * for Kbps, set to 1 second * forKb-per-hour,set to 1 hour; etc Adjustable pinch-zoomable andscrollable graphs.Note: While the app itself is designed to useminimal CPU/battery,you can further reduce the CPU/battery use byexiting the app afterstarting the logging service. Full source codeavailable at Requires rooteddevices.